Tuesday, October 22, 2024

2024 Update

And just like that, another year has come and gone and I'm back with what is now apparently becoming my one and only form of posting--my annual update. 

As of the time of this writing, life is good. Daniel and I have created a life that we love to live. Our kids are now 4, 3, and 1. They each have the sweetest personalities and are the biggest joy-factor in our day. Alex is four and is in Pre-K and thriving; he's so smart and loves to build and draw... he's Daniel's best buddy when it comes to anything landscaping and outdoors. Brady just turned three and has such a rich, well-annunciated vocabulary; he is a bit of a wild child and is testing us already in his threes (but I've got a big soft spot in my heart for him for sure). Camren is sixteen-months-old and is walking, babbling, and the absolute sweetest girl--God knew we needed a chill baby for our third child! 

Something new for us this year is that I have moved into a career in cyber warfare, transitioning away from my former position and into a dynamic, evolving career field that will help better set our family up for the future (both as a career move and financially, but also even looking far into the future after I retire from the ANG). I'm still employed full-time in the Idaho Air National Guard, but I now work within cyberspace operations. As part of that new job, I also have about a year's worth of training to complete out of state in order to be fully qualified in the position. As I'm writing this, I'm separated from my family down in Biloxi, Mississippi for 7.5-months, completing the first part of my training to earn my wings as a 17S Cyberspace Operations Officer. After I graduate from this training, I'll go home for a bit before spending another 4-months in Pensacola, Florida for the next part of my training. If I have to be away from home, I'm so grateful for the cool training locations the Air Force is sending me! 

While in Mississippi, I've ventured into new fitness territory with CrossFit. I've never done CrossFit before, but I found a gym down south that is incredible and I'm really enjoying learning new skills and testing my body in different ways. In other news, I've also gotten back into running after a nearly five-year hiatus due to having kids back-to-back in such a short time period. I've found my running legs again and have enjoyed competing in local races to include 5Ks, 8Ks, 10Ks, 12Ks, and trail runs with half and full marathons on my future horizon. Getting back into running has been such a mental boost--I didn't realize how much I missed it until I found my speedy legs again!  

There's so much more I could write about life these days. Thankfully, I still share nearly all of it on Instagram on a daily basis. I'd love if you came and said hi to me there! I have everything on IG from fitness stuff to kid stuff, and from cyber stuff to work stuff, and of course all the adventures, travels, races, restaurants, workouts, and random fill-my-cup stuff in between. So from now until the next time I visit this space, cheers!, and thanks for still being here! 
