Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

2014, Christmas Tree Twinkle Lights

Hello 2014! Nice to meet you!

Last night, we joined a few couples for games, good food, and lots of laughter. We went all out and turned in around 11pm. As the clock struck midnight, I was laying in bed, reading my daily Bible verses and reflecting over the amazing year I had just experienced. I listened to the kids blowing their kazoos outside in the cold, the fireworks echoing in our neighborhood, and just closed my eyes to take in the moment. 2014 was here.

Last year, I made 5 resolutions—and to be honest—I didn't stick with a single one of them (except for maybe kicking butt at the gym... marathon training was one of my favorite parts of 2013!). So this year, instead of psyching myself out with resolutions and setting myself up with goals & wishes & hopes for the future—I'm just going to focus on one thing—growing as a person.

2014 is going to bring some big changes, big trials (Air Force Basic Training, anyone?), and so many chances for me to take steps toward the amazing future that lies ahead of me as a wife, a woman of God, a hard worker, and hey... maybe even a mom. I don't know all that I'll face in this new year, but I'm embracing all of you, 2014. Let's do it.
