Friday, June 28, 2013

My Hair Identity Crisis

Long Brown Hair, Zebra Skirt
Top: very, very old (like, wore it to my high school senior Honor Society banquet in 2005 old), Skirt: Thrifted F21, Belt: old, Shoes: Mossimo, Bracelet: Premier Design, Photos: Taylor Love Studios
Long Brown Hair, Zebra Skirt
Long Brown Hair, Zebra Skirt
Long Brown Hair, Zebra Skirt

Despite taking a year off from using heat or styling tools, an excess of hair products, teasing often, and "doing" my hair (for my Bye Bye Beehive project)—and even though I knew my hair was growing—it never seemed to get any longer... until I saw these photos! I looked at them and thought, "That's me?"

Here's where I get frank with you... I feel like I've been having a bit of a physical identity crisis lately.
  • First, I'm still not used to myself with brunette hair (I've been brunette now for over 3-months... my longest brown-haired record yet!). After being a blonde for 26-years of my life, this change—though one that I like—still catches me off guard. 
  • Second, my hair has almost always been a mid to short length. Never did it ever come down to my bra straps in the back. And now that it's even longer than that... it's just different. I'm not used to myself, the way my hair feels (it's getting thicker due to my lack of highlighting & damaging habits), and how it looks. 
  • Third, I haven't dyed my hair since early April, and I'm very surprised at my lack of roots. I had thought they would grow in ashy blonde like before... but I really haven't noticed them and it's throwing me for a loop. Am I a brunette now? A real brunette? 

Anyway, I think that all of this, coupled with a recent bit of weight loss (more on that later) has had me asking, "Who is that person in the mirror?" To be honest, I'm not always sure... but I like her!

What's your preference? Blonde or brunette?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

You Say Parakeet, I Say Ogre


Growing up, I had so many animals—dogs, cats, hamsters, hermit crabs—if it was at our local pet store, I wanted it. I would make posters and run pet-campaigns until I finally won my parents over. They called me the "pit bull" because I was so aggressive when I wanted new things.

But—we never had birds. I always heard, "Birds are messy. Birds live forever. Birds are loud," and I have no agree... all of that is true. But Daniel's parents have two small parakeets (named Shrek and Fiona—because they're green—of course), and I just love the little ogres. They're always singing and chirping away, making lovely music that fills the house. Daniel's parents had two small blue parakeets before (named Duncan and Doyle), but they passed away recently, so we went right out and surprised them with a new little pair.

I doubt that Daniel and I will ever have birds, but each time I visit his parents' office, I can't help but go peer into their cage and say hello. Man, I just love animals. My little chihuahua puppy Oso and our family dogs Tally and Scooter were my favorites. What was your favorite childhood pet? What's the one pet you always wanted?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What's In It For You?

long brown hair

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this whole "blogging" thing lately. Why do I do it? How does it benefit me? Should I keep going? The answers to all of those are simple, I do it because I love it, it benefits me because it gives me a place to write out my thoughts like a daily journal, and yes I should keep going simply because I do still enjoy it so much. I also love meeting new people and interacting with the friends who leave comments & connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. It's a feeling of appreciation that I don't find anywhere else. I'm so thankful for everything this blog has given me... everything you all have given me—the love, the stories, the friendship—thank you for all of it.

My question today is for anyone reading this post. Whether you've commented before or not, whether we've exchanged email after email, whether we've tweeted or liked each other's Instagram posts... if you are reading this blog, my question for you is, "What's in it for you? What brings you here each day? Why do you keep coming back?" I'd love to know & I'd be eternally grateful if you'd leave a comment telling me why you read my blog (you can comment anonymously, if you wish).

Again, thank you for reading. I can't tell you how much it means to me... but to keep it simple, it means a lot. ♥

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Follow Aunie Sauce with Bloglovin'!

Follow with Bloglovin

I'm not sure how you read my blog, but if you're an RSS person, you most likely have heard that as of July 1, Google is discontinuing my old favorite, Google Reader. After hearing the news, I switched all the blogs I follow over to Bloglovin'. I love it because you can see the blog's layout while you read their posts and you can leave a comment directly on their post from that screen.

If you're joining me and making the switch, click here to import your RSS blog queue to Bloglovin'. Click "Google Reader" (or your RSS method), then "Import from Google Reader," select your account, click "Accept," and you're all set. I switched all mine over manually when I did it, and wish I would have known about this neat little trick!

If you haven't already, click here to follow my blog via Bloglovin', or consider subscribing via a different RSS, keeping up with post updates on Facebook, connect with me on Twitter, or even add my posts to your inbox. And in case that isn't easy enough, click the button below and it will take you straight there.

Follow on Bloglovin

And now I'm curious... how do you read & keep up with my blog?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Idaho Pride

Idaho Style
Shirt: c/o Handmade Escapade, Jeans: Express, Shoes: Skechers, Sunglasses: Kenneth Cole, Necklace: c/o Maya Brenner Designs, Bracelet: c/o Massi, Purse: Little Earth gift (thank you, Lauren!)
Idaho Style
Idaho Style
Idaho Style
Idaho Style
Idaho Style

I'm wearing more "Idaho" in this photo than I've ever worn before. The shirt is from an adorable online boutique called Handmade Escapade (she makes shirts for every state, and they're amazing). The little state of Idaho necklace is from Maya Brenner, and the authentic Idaho state license plate purse is from the sweetest girl ever named Lauren who just wanted to send a little love my way via snail mail one day. Her package that arrived in my PO box meant so much... she was just cleaning out her closet one day, stumbled upon this funky purse, and thought that I needed to have it. I thought it was so thoughtful!

I just love Idaho. Come for a visit?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Just Around The Riverbend...

Sawtooth Relay

I have a story that I have to type out so I don't forget it. It's one of my favorite memories from when we ran the Sawtooth Relay, and it's just priceless. Mom... here it comes!

On the way up to Sawtooth 2 weeks ago, we were already traveling when I realized I forgot my iPod and would have to run without music. Ugh, that's the worst! My mom offered that I could borrow hers—and even though I knew what kind of music she had on there—I agreed. She tells me all the time how one of her favorite songs to run to is "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas (you guys—POCAHONTAS). Not only did she tell me about how she loves to run to it, but then she proceeded to sing it! My mom is a total crack-up. And then not only that, but when I gave her a hard time about that, she said, "But wait, wait! I have Mama Mia!" Oh, mom. Adorable.

Anyway, during my first leg of the run, John Michael Montgomery (of all things), got stuck on repeat, so after hearing the same tune for about 3 songs, I took off the iPod and handed it to our van as they passed, not wanting to lose another second trying to get it off repeat. During my second leg, I got it all sorted out, but this time heard tunes like the infamous Brooks & Dunn "My Maria" (which actually is quite fun to run to), Alan Jackson's "Chatahoochie," and—you won't believe this—as I'm finishing the run, the song playing in my ear was "Under The Sea" from The Little Mermaid. I actually crossed the line laughing because I was so amused!

I was like, "Mom! Are you kidding me?" Hey, whatever floats your boat, right? ... Just around the riverbeeeend!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wrapped in Sunshine

Orange Tie-Dye Dress
Dress: c/o eShakti, Sandals: Target, Bracelet: Gift, Earrings: Premier Design, Nails: here
Orange Tie-Dye Dress
Orange Tie-Dye Dress
Orange Tie-Dye Dress

There's something lovely about a flowing summer dress. I know the twirling photo above may seem silly, but I twirled like a kid all day in this dress. It's from a company called eShakti, and they make beautiful clothes for real people, offering some pretty cool custom tailoring options. You can also find them on Facebook and Pinterest. I'm not sure if it's the orange or the bright tie-dye, but I felt like I was wrapped in sunshine as this dress flowed in the wind... and there's just something so feminine and special about that.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Yes To Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials

Today's post is so bittersweet! I'm sharing one of my last Yes To Stylista posts from the Yes To blog (I'll have one more—my Stylista wrap-up post—coming soon)!

This was one of my favorite posts to date. I created a list of my six favorite Yes To products to tote with you while traveling. They're convenient, they're affordable, and they're small so they'll easily fit in your travel bag!  You can read the full post and why I love each product (especially that little zit-zapping roller) HERE!

What are a few products that you absolutely couldn't travel without? My top 3 would be lip balm, mascara and body butter!

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Emmett Cherry Festival

Emmett Cherry Festival
Emmett Cherry Festival
Emmett Cherry Festival

On Friday, Daniel was working the Air National Guard booth at the Emmett Cherry Festival, so I drove over and joined him after work. There was a carnival, tons of fun booths filled with crafts and specialty items, live music and dancing, and of course—cherries galore.

One of our favorite things to do is "people watch," and this festival had no lack of people-watching entertainment. My favorite thing was seeing the kids come up to Daniel at the booth and "ooh" and "aah" over the cool military vests, radios, and even Daniel himself. I could tell that those kids looked to him with such admiration. It was amazing to watch, and made me so proud of my husband. It's those little things that make my world go 'round.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Marathon Training

Marathon Training
^^ Taken during our last half marathon.

If you've been noticing, running has been a constant topic around here lately. I've mentioned it before—I have always been a runner. I took some time off from running from mid 2011 to now (because life kind of got in the way), but recently it's been something that I've really enjoyed again.

Ever since I was little kid, I told myself I wanted to run a marathon with my mom. She is ultimately inspiring to me in every way... not just in the fitness realm. She's run three marathons (including Boston), and countless other races. After years and years of saying, "Mom, someday we're going to do a marathon together,"—this year we are going to make it happen. In fact, on October 13, 2013, we are running The City of Trees Marathon. It's a local Boise marathon that runs through our little city, and from what I've heard, it's a great race.

Now, I've trained for half marathons before using a tried-and-true program online (by Hal Higdon), so when Mom and I decided on this race, I went back to his site for a marathon training schedule. I selected his Novice 2 program because it is designed for someone who has experience running long-distance, but may or may not have run a marathon before. The other novice programs are for those who don't have experience running, and the intermediate/advanced are for those who have run multiple marathons and who are looking to improve their time. Overall, Novice 2 seemed like the best approach. Here's our 18-week marathon training schedule:

Marathon Training Schedule

It should be noted that I did modify weeks 11, 13 and 15, which were originally 18, 19 and 20 miles (respectively). I understand that most people can run a max of 20 miles during a training run and then just go crank out 6.2 more on the actual race day to get to 26.2 miles... but for me, that's a whole extra hour of running, and I want to have a higher max-distance under my belt before the actual race. Also, if you're wondering the difference between a "run" and "pace," the "run" is just a normal training run at whatever speed you wish (for me during training it's usually a 10-minute mile). The "pace" runs suggest you run the miles listed  (ex: 5 m pace) at "race pace," and since I usually run races between an 8:30 and 9-minute mile, that's how fast I would run those 5 miles.

By the end of our training & after the race—if we stick to this schedule exactly (we usually end up running more than this)—we will have run 496 miles. Holy moses.

As you can see, our start date for this 18-week program was this last Monday, so we're already 5-days in. My mom and I will be running our mid-week training separately, and then getting together for our long runs on the weekends. It's going great so far, and I think this next 18-weeks is going to go quick, quick, quick! Let's cross our fingers for zero injuries along the way and lots of good conversations (my mom and I talk nonstop during our runs)! City of Trees, here we come!

PS> Hey Marnie (yes, Sister, I'm talking to you), you know you want to join us, right? Come on!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

His Plan.

Boise Blog

You know, sometimes life just happens, and I have to force myself to remember that God has a plan.

This past Sunday, there was a big accident on Highway 55 by Smiths Ferry (the route we take to go to McCall), and it ended in a tragic fatality—a young woman's van hit a cattle transport semi as she was coming around a corner and she was killed instantly. I was surprised to hear about the accident... I mean, we travel that road all the time... it could happen to anyone. But I was even more surprised to hear who the woman was who was killed... I knew her. She attended our church, and she and I went through last September's Encounter together. I always said hello when I would see her... she was such a sweetheart. She was also a wife and mother to some adorable daughters, including two one-year-old twins. This woman attended our church Sunday. And then Sunday evening, it was her time to go meet God.

The news reports had published her full name, so I hadn't put two and two together until someone mentioned her nickname, and then it hit me. This woman—this sweet, friendly, Godly woman—she is gone.

So many people look at things like this and ask why. "Why, God?"... I'm asking how. "How are You going to use this for us? How can we give back and help lift up that family? How can we show others Your purpose?"

And then I remember, God has a plan. He gathered this amazing woman up in His arms and He delivered her to eternal safety this weekend. It was her time.

If anything, this is a huge reminder to me—don't take life for granted. Don't leave without giving your husband and/or kids a hug and telling them you love them. Don't go to bed angry. Don't miss one chance to tell others you love them... because you just never know. We may think that we are in control, but when you remember that we don't run on "our time," but instead His time, there is a comfort knowing that there is a plan just for us.

You know, yesterday I thought a couple things in my life were a big deal. Big things going on that I thought were big things to get stressed over. Then I heard about all of this and it just opened my eyes to be thankful for everything that I have. Because you just never know what's around that next corner. Please keep that family in your prayers.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is My Hair Falling Out?

Is My Hair Falling Out?

I realized something yesterday—I think my hair is the longest it's ever been. It currently stops about two inches below my bra line in the back. It's fun having longer hair... I've always been a shorter-haired, chin/shoulder-length kind of girl. But you know what I'm noticing? It seems like my hair is falling out! 

Here's what I do to my hair on a usual basis. I wash & condition (a couple times a week) with Joico or Yes To products. After the shower, I loosely wrap my hair in a towel for about 10 minutes to absorb moisture, and then I just let it down and let it air dry—without brushing or combing it (my hair dries rather straight and tangle-free). I don't use many products (the occasional beach spray), and I occasionally use hair spray. I don't usually tease it and I never use heat styling tools. On the days when I wake up with 2nd day hair, I put in a little dry shampoo and put it up into a pony/bun/braid—nothing too special.

So... basically—wash, shampoo, air dry (no brushing or combing), and the occasional dry shampoo when it's dirty. That's all. It's a really easy routine, but am I missing something? All day, I find stray hairs on my back, on my clothes, around my office, and if I even touch the bottom of my hair, it seems like strands come right out. I claim to be the hair expert, but then why does it seem like my hair is falling out? Am I the only one in this hair battle?

Now, I've spoken to a friend about this, and she suggested that since I don't usually brush it, that the hair falling out is what most people probably catch in their brush in the morning. Also, I've heard that when your hair is longer, more does seem like it's falling out. Long-haired ladies, is this true? It honestly makes me want my short hair back (and we all know that Daniel wouldn't complain if I cut it, because he encourages me to do it daily... see this post for proof)! Anyway, does anyone have any advice? Maybe I'm just being paranoid... but any input is appreciated!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wearing Summer

white tank top and jeans
White Top: c/o Kintage, Pink Top: (it's just a sport bra), Jeans: Express, Sandals: Steve Madden, Earrings: gift, Clutch: Sew Beastly, Bracelets: Lia Sophia, Beaded Bracelet: Goal Bracelet, Nails: here
white tank top and jeans
white tank top and jeans
floral clutch
white tank top and jeans

This outfit treated me so well this weekend. This is the only all-white top that I own, and it's so lightweight and comfortable! I just love it and definitely felt like I was wearing "summer" in this outfit. Next time, I just need to make sure to avoid the chips and salsa, because—you guessed it—I dropped a big dollop of salsa right on this top. But no worries, it came out just fine. And hey, can you "wear summer" and not eat chips and salsa? I don't think so.

PS // if you're unsure of what to wear this summer, consider checking out the new Daily Fashion Forecast from Pose! They send emails about outfit suggestions based on the weather that day in your area. For instance, I think my summery outfit today would be great for a mid to high 70's sunny day. Anyone can sign up (no account required), so click here and check out your Fashion Forecast!

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Sawtooth Relay

Sawtooth Relay

After 62 miles, 12 legs, 6 runners, a team name of "Hit The Ground Runnin'" and 9 hours and 40 minutes later... we did it!

Friday after work, my mom and I drove the 3-hours up to Stanley, Idaho. When we arrived, we drove over to the start line to check it out. The evening sun was glowing on the mountains and it was just beautiful! When we got back to the cabin, we chatted for hours with the rest of our teammates and finally all got to sleep around 11:00 pm. And I tell you what, when my alarm clock went off at 2:15 am, it was not enough sleep. We were all up and moving by 2:30 am, and had ourselves loaded into the van by 3:15 am, heading down to the start line for our 4:15 am start. Teams began at midnight and started every 15-minutes, so we were so fortunate to get the start time we did!

It was a chilly morning, and the only light was from the stars and the little bobbing headlamps of the runners. Since it was so early, our first 3 runners were required to wear headlamps and reflective vests. We assembled at the start line to cheer on our first runner, Tracy, who literally "hit the ground runnin'" right at 4:15 am. I was the second runner (and totally nervous), so I was already getting ready for my run even though I had about an hour to wait. We drove down to the first exchange, and while it was still dark out, Tracy finished up her leg (and she rocked it), and I was off and running just before 5:15 am.

It was about 40 degrees out, and felt really cold. I'm so used to running for about an hour on my usual training runs, so I wasn't concerned about my 5.83-mile leg. However, when I hit about 3-miles, I realized I had started a little too fast, so the rest of the slight uphill caught up to me more than I would have liked. I finished my leg with a strong kick, and passed off to our next runner, Teri. My average pace for my leg was 8:45, so I was pretty pleased with that! Teri killed her leg, passed the bracelet off to Amy, who also did really well, and then my mom was up. She cruised through her leg at the same pace I did, though she had more of an uphill to pass over. My mom handed the bracelet off to Lori, our 6th leg, who had THE uphill. Man, she worked it. Her leg traveled 5.53 miles and gained 1,331 feet of elevation. To say that it's an uphill is an understatement. She was totally our MVP of the day. We pulled our van over every mile or so and turned up the music and danced and cheered her on to keep her motivated. We also cheered the other runners who went by us, including a guy who must have taken 5-minutes off his time because he always sped up, smiled and danced along with us when he passed us. It was definitely the most fun leg of the trip because of all the dancing we did (and there are plenty of Vine videos (not mine, though) to prove it)!

After Lori finished, we had all run our first legs and we were onto the downhill portion of the course. Everyone did really well, though the second half of the run gave us 80-degree temperatures and lots of wind, which wasn't so great for running... but we all made it through just fine! My second 5.09-mile leg averaged 7:45 miles, which was way faster than I felt like I was running... but I guess the stopwatch doesn't lie! Our final runner, Lori, came around the finish just a little before 2:00 pm, and we all raced through the finish line with her. What an accomplishment. We wanted to finish under 10-hours, and we did with an unofficial time of 9 hours and 40 minutes! Everyone did so well, and it was so incredible to be cheered on and then to turn around to support everyone else as they ran. I've never done a relay before and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

And now, here are some of my favorite photos of the trip! There are captions under each photo that tell a little piece of the story.

Sawtooth Relay
Our awesome van! Sawtooth or Bust!! 
Sawtooth Relay
Team van with all our names on the day before the race.
Sawtooth Relay
Checking out the start line the evening before the race. Of course we had to do a jump photo!
Sawtooth Relay
The mountains behind the start line. Just gorgeous! 
Sawtooth Relay
It was early early at the start line. We loved our 4:15 am start time! 
Sawtooth Relay
Tracy finishing her first leg and handing off to me in the orange. 
Sawtooth Relay
1st leg of 5.83 miles finished just as the sun was coming up! I averaged 8:45 miles.
Sawtooth Relay
In the van to our next exchange.
Sawtooth Relay overlook
Mom and me at the overlook during leg 6. I photoshopped us onto a photo just like this on my pre-Sawtooth post!
Sawtooth Relay
Getting ready to run my 2nd leg (leg 8). The weather was warming up!
Sawtooth Relay
And I'm off! Cruising up the road...
Sawtooth Relay
The ladies snapped photos along the way. We had the best time!
Sawtooth Relay
There wasn't anyone in sight when I started, but I ended up catching up and passing 2 people. It's awesome to be just out by yourself on the open road.
Sawtooth Relay
Finishing my leg and handing off to rockstar Teri for her 2nd leg.
man running in a bikini
The Little Mermaid ran by us! He was priceless... his whole team dressed up as Disney princesses. I understand running in matching outfits... but costumes? That's hardcore!
Sawtooth Relay
Mom smoked it on her races! She ran an 8:50 pace for her first leg and 8:00 for her second. She did amazing!
Sawtooth Relay
Crossing the finish with our team (and the one man who was determined to beat us, despite leaving his own teammates in the dust).
Sawtooth Relay
Our team (Lori, Tracy, Teri, Mom, Amy and me) and our amazing volunteer Rosie (in red—she was going to run my legs, but I took her place), and our wonderful driver Suzie (in black). This was the most fun group of ladies!
Sawtooth Relay mom and daughter
Mom & me after the race! Mom, you're the best running buddy!

A big thanks to all the fabulous ladies who helped make this run a blast! Our whole team was so fun. We laughed, danced, made funny jokes, and cheered and cheered and cheered each other on. It was the most amazing feeling to be supported by this wonderful group of women, and it was even more fun to finish my legs and dance along the side of the road while they ran! I would definitely do Sawtooth again. Thanks again, ladies. I am so thankful that you guys asked me to join at the last minute. It was such a fun day!

And just for fun, is this the most hilarious jump photo or what?! SAWTOOTH OR BUST!

Sawtooth Relay
