Monday, November 12, 2012

The Weekend 10

  1. Daniel is home. My heart is so happy.
  2. On Friday, I carpooled with my work ladies to Sun Valley to attend a meeting. It just so happened that our entire drive was accompanied by a slight snow storm. Also—we hit a deer on the way there. We were in a rental car which ended up losing a headlight and gaining a dent. Oh, and yes, the deer is OK.
  3. Friday while I was in said meeting, Yes To Carrots made a huge announcement that literally had me shaking in my seat!
  4. Friday evening after I returned from Sun Valley, Daniel and I attended a wedding at our church. It was lovely! 
  5. Speaking of weddings, we get married in 19 days. Crazy.
  6. Saturday, I attended a surprise party for Daniel's cousin. We got her good!
  7. Yesterday while shopping, Daniel and I picked out (almost) matching gray and neon orange Nike's that we want to get for each other. Like I need another pair of gym shoes...
  8. Last night, we had a few couples over and I finally watched That Thing You Do. Loved it.
  9. Overall, the weekend went way too fast.
  10. I'll be joining the Yes To Carrots team today in a Twitter chat at 11:00 am MST. Enter #YESTOHAIR to join the convo!


Lily said...


Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

Congrats again, Aunie! I'm so happy for you!

LaLa said...

Aw! So glad to see your sweety is home! Can't wait to hear more wedding details! :)

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

Congrats on winning! How awesome!

Michelle said...

Looks like fun!

Pamela said...

Beautiful picture of you two! Can't believe you're only 19 days away from being his wife!! :)

EmilyFinta said...

I love That Thing you Do! I always get the song stuck in my head whenever I watch it.

Kasey said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend :D yay for Daniel coming home!!! I know you're super excited about that and congrats on the Yes to Carrots gig, VERY cool :):):)

Victoria said...

19 days?!?! How did that get here so fast? You're probably thinking, " Why is it taking so long...." Anyway, congrats on such a great weekend! Daniel is home and you are apparently doing some big things. Yay!

Ragan said...


Anonymous said...

I think #1 is my fave!!!!!

Clara said...

Wanted to drop by and say CONGRATS on the "YES to" announcement and best wishes on your upcoming big day :)


Anna said...

Oh gosh, I'm glad you guys are ok! Deer can be scary.
19 days!!! :D

Why Girls Are Weird said...

So happy you have your sweetie back!

Elisha said...

That's all I can say! :) About everything!!


Brittany said...

That is sooo awesome!! Congrats!

Jannae said...

That Thing You Do is one of my favorite movies ever. And congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Also, I just started following your blog, hi. :)

CK said...

19 days!! How are you holding it together?! I admire you for that... we have until July and I still can't handle everything. wowzass!! PS adorable picture :)

elise said...

that thing you do...hands down. favorite movie!

Fash Boulevard said...

Congrats. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo

Cat said...

Yay for a great weekend, apart from the deer thing. But good to know everthings okay. Only 16 days to go (in Australia anyway), YAY.
