Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Straight Straight Hair

Photos: Taylor Love Studios // Top: Romy // Bracelets: c/o Threads // Hair: c/o Hana Elite Flat Iron

Over the last year, my hair has transformed more than I ever thought possible. It has grown over 6-inches. Since I haven't colored my hair since May of 2011, I've found that my natural color is apparently a light brown (it looks lighter in the photos)... I've always thought I was a blonde. Imagine realizing that fact about yourself—that you've been wrong about your natural hair color for 26-years. Oops. It also isn't as "stick straight" as I always thought. In fact, it's actually quite straight in the front, but the back tends to take on a little awkward beach wave if I just leave it alone. Some days, that's OK. Other days? I want it to look nice.

And I'll tell you what—in the time that you've been reading this blog (some of you a little over a year), you have never seen my hair as straight as it is today. I promise you that. Since I wasn't able to use a straightener for the entire last year due to my Bye Bye Beehive project, I didn't even remember what my hair looked like after being straightened. And let me just say—I love it.

So yes, today's post is about hair. Straight hair. And as I sit here writing this to you, I promise you, this is a product I stand behind.

This past July, I was contacted by a representative from Misikko about reviewing a blow dryer. Clearly, since I was in the middle of my 365-day no-hair-styling project, I had to tell them I couldn't do it. I was bummed, too, because I would have loved a new blow dryer. But then, a week after finishing Bye Bye Beehive, I sent Misikko a reply, letting them know that my project was finished and I'd like to review that dryer for them. They instead asked if I would like to review a Hana Salon flat iron. I was thrilled, to say the least, since I haven't owned a flat iron in years. I asked them, "How did you know?!" They were so sweet and the shipped off the flat iron that next day.

To say that I was impressed with the packaging would be an understatement. I was expecting just a flat iron. I got an entire box full of goodies. A flat iron, an iron case, an iron mat, a brush, lip gloss, eyelash curler, an ornament and even rose petals. You guys... rose petals. I emailed them right away to see if this was a mistake—all of it for me? My rep reassured me, this is how each Misikko product is packaged. Their guarantee of "OOOOOOHS and AHHHHHHS" is right.

Now, it's one thing to ship your product in the most eye-appealing package ever, but the real question is—does the product work?

I put it to the test. I showered the evening before I used it and went to bed with wet, un-brushed hair. When I woke up, my hair was pretty wavy—much more wavy than it normally air-dries. I busted out my straightener, heated it up (which only took a couple seconds), and got to work. Less than 3-minutes later, I had stick straight hair. Straight straight hair.

Now, I know I don't have the curliest or waviest hair you've ever seen, but for me? This is the best hair straightener. Let's just say, my hair stayed straight all day. I am in love.

I think the only disadvantage of this beauty is the price tag. To be honest, my jaw dropped a little when I saw that the price for this was over $200. Maybe it's just me, and the fact that I haven't owned a straightener in years, but if I were shopping around, that's just not something I would go for, especially since I could get about 10+ new tops at TJ Maxx for that same price.

But—for those who live and breathe by their straighteners (and I know some of you do), when it comes to flat irons, you've got to see it as an investment. And this flat iron is an incredibly made, high quality hair styling tool. It has 100% ceramic plates, adjustable heat settings (I used mine on a lower setting since my hair straightens easily), it doesn't smell when it heats up, and it didn't make my hair smell like it had been burned, which so many flat irons out there are notorious for.

I have to say, I'm a fan. Misikko, you won me over. Do any of you have this flat iron? How long does it take to straighten your hair? Do you prefer straight or wavy? Let's talk hair!


Cody Doll said...

I do nothing for my hair. Nothing. Once in a great while I might straighten(doesn't take much), I use my Revlon flat iron. It works for my pretty straight hair. I also had my hair short for 4 years. I am finally growing it out and I want to learn more about hair. I always look forward to your post.

Thanks for sharing,
Cody @Solemn Sound

Danielle said...

My hair is straight for the most part, but it gets those funky waves in the back too. I purchased a CHI straightener 2 years ago for $120 and it's practically brand new! I straighten my hair 1-2 times per week but it still works so amazingly well, heats up just as fast, and straightens my hair beautifully!

So I'm definitely one of those girls who thinks that spending a little more is so worth it in the end, in this case at least. But with that said, I just don't think I could justify spending twice as much as I already had. But so glad to hear that Misikko is another good brand! And wow is right when it comes to their packaging!!

Amber Nicole said...

I have seen a few people RAVING about these things!! It makes me want to try one but no way I could EVER EVER afford one!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

You have no idea how badly I've wanted to try this straightener! My hair is similar to Jenni's (Story of My Life). YEAH. It's THAT coarse, thick, frizzy, and wavy. It's insane. Taming this 'do is crazy business.

Your hair looks great!

k8te said...

your hair looks great! i have seen people raving about these, i have super thick curly hair so i could probably really use one of these! the rose petals has me almost convinced...almost ;)

Elisha said...

It's SO LONG! Congrats on your amazing year journey! (:

Anonymous said...

I used to think I was a natural blonde until I stopped coloring my hair...so yeah, you are not alone.

I have see a lot of HANA reviews going around, but have yet to see anyone who actually paid for one. I am not doubting your review's honesty at all (or anyone's), and your hair looks amazing. I just would like to know if someone who paid for it thought it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhh it looks great! I need a new flat iron. ;)

Jennifer said...

How exciting!! I got a Hana blowdryer and curling rod for Christmas last year and I LOVE it!! Yay for pretty hair!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing your project! I think your hair looks beautiful! I wouldn't mind a new straightener myself.

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I have got to get my hands on that straightener. I have a pretty decent one now but I have naturally wavy hair and it's such a pain to straighten, I need something that's going to do a good job.

Tori said...

Your hair looks amazing!

Cat said...

OMGosh my straighter flat out broke today!! I am going to have to check this one out since I am now on the search for a new one!

Allyssa said...

I rarely straighten my hair because it's pretty straight, but whenever I do, I'm always amazed how much straighter it can be! I need to invest in a good straighter though, so I'll definitely keep this one in mind!

Chelsea Oliver said...

Oh, hair. Yours looks GREAT.
Mine is super think and wavy and currently really long because I've been too busy to get to the salon. I might have to bite the bullet and invest in this straightener because it takes far too long for me to get ready now and I prefer my hair to be straight.

Thanks for the review!

Meighan said...

First of all, your hair looks gorgeous straight! My hair is sooo thick, it takes forever to dry & style, ESPECIALLY straighten, so I just may have to try this. <3

Lily said...

oooooooooooooohhhhhhhh & aaaaaaaaaahhhhh

Cat said...

Looks great. although kinda odd seeing straight hair after all this time.

Anna said...

i LOVE your hair straight! gorgeous.
Mo bought me my last straightener for a birthday gift (i guess he was asking all the ladies in the hair aisle what one worked the best) :) it works pretty well but definitely doesn't keep my hair straight for DAYS. someday I might have to invest in this...

Whitney said...

I have to admit, I'm a little biased when it comes to flat irons. I worked for CHI for 4 months this year and I love their products. I haven't tried the Hana before but I've heard great things!
