Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wedding Plans

I think this photo perfectly identifies life lately. Me, the proverbial cheerleader saying, "Go! Go! Go!" and Daniel, the super-supportive fiancè, always there to support me.

With Daniel leaving this week, we have a lot on our plates to prepare for the wedding, not to mention his new career he begins Monday. Needless to say, if I'm absent in the email world this week, forgive me... but I've got some lovin' to do before my guy leaves.

So, what have we done?

The Date: December 1.
Ceremony location: our church.
Pastor: our church pastor.
Colors: sky blue, silver and white.
Bridal party & groomsmen? Check.
Registry? Check... well, we started it, anyway.
Photographer: my amazing brother-in-law!
Engagement photos? Check.
Dress: bought it online (cross your fingers for me, I saw it online on Friday and bought it a few hours later. No try-on required).
Shoes? Check.
Honeymoon location: tentative. We're thinking a cozy winter getaway up in McCall.
Wedding night hotel room? Check.

If you ask me, I'd say that's a lot to get done in a week. And we did it. According to The Knot, I only have 136 things left to do. No big deal. None at all.


Whitney Elise said...

WOW! you sure got A LOT done .. and really fast!! Way to go! You seem like you are going to be an easy bride.. =] Enjoy your planning =]

Anonymous said...

haha way to get a lot of the big stuff done though! its just the little things that may get you a little crazy but it'll be gorgeous no matter what you choose :) xo

Lauren said...

wow! is that Dec 1st of this year? you are a rock star! I think long engagements are more stressful sometimes- too much time to waffle over choices :)

good luck!!

Erin P said...

You're knocking it out of the park! I have 200+ days to go, but we managed to pick a date, secure a location, book a caterer, book the tent/tables/chairs/linens, sign the DJ contract, pick colors, and looked at dresses in about 36 hours. ha So, I understand doing it quickly!

Amber Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, go you!!

Lindsay said...

Do it all as quickly as possible! It makes it so much easier at the end!

Margaret said...

Oh I hate the Knot's to do list! It always stressed me out...so I just stopped looking at it!

Good luck with your planning :) My cousin is on a very similar timeline to you- so we're in full planning for hers!

Kait said...

Uh, YOU GO GIRL! You're amazing! I got your e-mail yesterday thanking me for my sponsorship and I thought it was so sweet. I've grown exponentially and you have been amazing!


Liz said...

Girl! You have mad planning skills. Come to my world and organize my life for me, would ya :)

jackie said...

ha you have so much done! The Knot is bullshit anyways- you don't HAVE to do 3/4 of the stuff on there. or any at all if you don't want! but I'm excited for you!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

You're a rock star! Get it, girl! <3 you!

Stephanie said...

Hey, if anyone is the queen of grace under pressure and tackling to do lists, it's you! Go girl!

Katelyn said...

Oh my goodness, Aunie! I'm so proud of you guys! You're really making headway, which is AWESOME! Like you said, only 136 things to do! ;)

I have faith in you!

- Katelyn

Britni Alexis said...

Girlfriend, you are flying through the plans! Go you! Can't wait to see it all unfold! :)


Anonymous said...

Holy cow, you guys just get more and more adorable. X

elise said...

SO excited for you! I think planning a wedding in a short amount of time is the way to go! We planned our in 4 months and I wouldn't regret anything! :)

Anonymous said...

136! Geesh! You'll get there love! Can't wait to hear more about the details! xoxo

Elisha said...

CONGRATS!! It all sounds lovely. (:

Jenna said...

Oh goodness, all this makes me anxious about planning my own wedding and we haven't even set a date yet! If you lived in Michigan, I would hire you as my wedding planner :)

The Pink Growl said...

WOW yes you got a lot done! We aren't getting married until April 2013 and I'm still planning my little heart away. Just bought my dress last weekend. You are getting stuff done sister!

SoCalDutchess said...

Dang!!! I've been engaged for 7+ months and so far all I have are colors and the dress! *sigh* I don't want to plan anymore.... Want to do it for me? ;)

Yay for you!!

JMc said...

Wow, you are a wedding rockstar. Sounds like you have a lot of the big items checked off the list. Can I hire you when I plan my big day?? lol

Marley said...

wow you did get alot of stuff done fast!!!!

Baylee said...

I love the knot. Lets see that dress girl! You have got a ton done! Nice!!
Love the pic of you guys.
PS: Your colors were my school colors! Holler!

The Life of Clare said...

I love your planning! I'm so impressed with how much you have done!

Rachel said...

Wow, you aren't wasting any time! And I'd probably be too nervous to buy my wedding dress online...but that's because I'm too nervous to pretty much buy any clothes online. Hopefully it's perfect and everything you want!

Priya said...

Aunie, you rock! I'm so glad you guys are just going for it! You're obviously in love so why wait? I'm impressed by how much planning you have already done...and I'm sure you'll be just fine. Rooting for you as you're doing it all!!

perfectly priya

Chelsea Olivia said...

SO excited for you! Be sure to keep us updated along the way my friend. And you are really powering through this, some people take years to plan a wedding haha!

Michelle said...

So exciting! I'm so happy for you guys.

Jamie said...

Seems like you are on top of things girl!! I planned our wedding in 3 months and felt super stressed for time. We did most of the stuff ourselves to save money which probably added to the stress haha

<3 Jamie

Lily said...

That's awesome. Just promise you won't get stressed out about this:) You're allowed a little bit of worry because that's normal:P Looks like everything is going great. Have some lovely lovin' time:) <3 xoxo

Allyssa said...

You are amazing! You got a big chunk of it done! Who says you need a year+ to plan a wedding? haha

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your 67 day wedding planning.

I've been waiting for 6 months and have 6 more to go:(


Congrats congrats congrats!!

Unknown said...

Wow thats great!
Where are you having the reception, I felt that planing the reception is probably the most stressful part.
But if your ceremony organizing is anything to go by you should be fine!
Gosh wish id hired you rather than my super stressful wedding planner!

Sarah said...

WOW!! Almost ready!

Unknown said...

You've been a busy girl!!! How exciting.

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

So exciting!!
Hope all is well.
Oh, Just Living the Dream

Ashley said...

I bought my dress online! It needed alterations, but it ended up fabulous!! And you really couldn't beat the price! Good look with everything!!!

Kristen Victoria said...

WOOT! Go Aunie!! It's very common for couples in Utah to plan their wedding in under 3 months. You can dooo it!!
