Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Sweater: Burlington Coat Factory // Top: Marshall's // Necklace: F21 // Shoes: Danskos

"Sometimes doors don't open because there is another door waiting for you." 

That quote was sent to me in a text message yesterday from a man who I really look up to. It's something I am saying over and over to myself. 

If I had experienced a day like yesterday more than 2 months ago, I would have taken the news I was told very poorly. I would have blamed myself for the rejection I received.

But instead? Instead I am hopeful. I am looking forward, knowing that God has a plan. Sure... this one opportunity may not have worked out. But it was part of His plan for it to be that way. He has something else in store. It may come in a month... or two years down the road... but one thing is for sure, it will come. In one way or another. I have faith that it will happen.

It's so easy to look at a rejection and say, "If only I would have done this or that differently." And sure, maybe I could have said, written or done something differently. But it really wouldn't have mattered. If it's not His will... it won't happen. No matter how amazing or perfect for the part may have I thought I was. 

I need to remember... I don't open doors, He does. And when that next door opens for me, I will embrace it with all my might.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!

Brandy said...

So true!!

Elisha said...

amen and amen!! p.s. your outfit's sooooo cute(:


Anna said...

Absolutely true! And I'm smitten by your good attitude :)

Unknown said...

My sister and I just had a similar conversation. Waiting on God to lead the way teaches us patience. He may not answer our prayers when we want him to but we can be sure he hears us.

Desiree said...


Unknown said...

This is great! I'm waiting to hear back on some news, so I will definitely keep this in mind if it doesn't go the way I expected :)


elise said...

certainly needed this today! thanks! :)

Alana Christine said...

Something better will come along, I just know it!

gayle said...

I was listening to a sermon this morning on the way to work, and the pastor said something I had never really thought about before. He said that Christians should not use the open door/closed door principle with God. He said that Christianity is based on people who ignored "closed doors" (Noah-built an arc that made no sense, Moses-parted the sea when escaping from the Egyptians, Paul-was beaten and imprisoned and still preached Christ's name), but instead to learn to wholly trust God, and listen to the Holy Spirit. I thought that was really amazing, and now that I think about it, he's right! Sometimes the "closed doors" are the ones we are supposed to go through, trusting God, and not giving up.

Just thought I would share. :)

Faith said...


agreed! loved reading this post. such a great reminder that He really is the one who opens doors for us. not ourselves.

Kimberly said...

Gotta remember that God makes the plans, not us - no matter how hard we try to take control. And thank goodness He does because His plans are always so much more amazing and perfect than anything we could have ever imagined!

Sending lots of prayers and encouragement your way!


Bev said...

true story my friend. although times get rough for us, it's relieving to realize that He's in control and this is all happening for His reason. Our pastor told us once, "He's not here for us... we're here for Him" Soothing to my soul :)

Unknown said...

You have a wonderful outlook! Something even better and more fitting will come along for you - I'm sure of it!


Brittany T. said...

beautiful and timely post!! I too, have been/am feeling a bit rejected and yet, i know to remain hopeful because like you said, something BETTER will come when God opens that door!!! It's just a little hard being so patient lol, but then again, God is giving me experience to learn even more patience! Hope you're uplifted friend! :)
also saying a special hello from living in yellow!

Kristen Danielle said...

Thanks for this little reminder! Whatever didn't work out for you, I am SURE better things await. :)


Tanya said...

SO SO needed this today! Thank you! Your trust in God is an inspiration for me :)

Abbey said...

Thank you for this post. I am struggling with a lot of rejection/insecurities with my own job and the fact that at the end of June I will once again be unemployed scares me to death. I went through multiple interviews/rejections last summer and don't want to go through that cycle again because I got so down on myself. Seriously, wonderful post.

Anonymous said...

beautiful post, agree!

Sarah Hartley said...

I have to keep telling myself the same thing lately. Everything will work out for us both.

Anonymous said...

Love the image and also the quote. It's so true though, we never know what door will open or close or for what God intended. new follower! xoxo A-

Sureye said...

Aunie, you are soo so right and I couldn't agree with you more that God has a plan and He will take care of it. I know I have a hard time with letting go and letting Him do His thing because He definitely knows better than I! Hang in there and keep staying encouraged. :)

Unknown said...

Yes. It's as if you took the words right out of my mouth. That is definitely something I have learned over the passed like five years..so many things have "gone wrong" in my mind to lead me right to where I am now. It's crazy how it happens! He has a story for all of us, and each day is a new part to the story that unfolds <3 Love you!

Annie said...

Your faith in God's plan is so inspiring. I know it's hard. I know that many times, this faith is easier said than done. But Aunie, some of your posts recently, expressing your faith - well, it took me years to get to that point as a believer. I praise God for your fearless faith in Him, and I am blessed and humbled to call you sister.

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

Whatever didn't go your way, something better is down the road!
