Monday, April 23, 2012


I. Am. Back. From. Vacation. In. California.
But not mentally.
In fact, my desk at work is already piled high with loads of work.
So, while I will finally be answering emails this evening,
I will not be able to spend too much time blogging this week.

I had so much fun in San Diego and Palm Desert with family.
This week is going to be little recaps from my vacation.
Also, I've decided that my kind of vacation is officially different that most.
So I hope you enjoy my week of reminiscing!


Wednesday, Daniel at I were up bright and early at 3:30am to catch our flight to San Diego.
As soon as we arrived, we bolted over to SeaWorld
I haven't been to SeaWorld since I was a kid.
It was so wonderful.
We saw everything—except the Shamu show.

The park was practically empty the entire day.
We felt as though we had the place to ourselves.
My favorite thing was the Seamore and Clyde show, Sea Lions Live.
The guy who played Biff was hysterical.
Oh—and a side note—apparently dolphins make me cry.
I totally cried through the whole dolphin show. 
I just love them!


Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

I'm so glad you had so much fun! I'll have to call the office to find out which of the guys you saw perform in Sea Lions Live. I'm curious to know who it was!

Welcome back, and good luck with the catch-up! I'll be in your shoes next week! Eeek!

Anonymous said...

So fun!

I am glad you had a blast :)

I kind of missed you...


Amanda said...

These are some great photos girl! And the one of you and Daniel is cute!! I would love I go day :)

Elisha said...

your sooo pretty!! I say that all the time.. but I RALLY mean it!!

and haha, and dolphins make you cry?? crazzzyy man. ;)

Bev said...

Seaworld?!?! Shut up!! I haven't been in a billion years! So glad you captured these photos, b/c it looks just as amaze as it did years ago! Did they still have a shamu kinda show?? I remember sitting front row just so I can get splashed on!! Love that place... and so glad you were there when the rest of the world wasn't!

Welcome back girlie :)

Amber Nicole said...

So fun!! I want to go to seaworld!! We're planning a trip for next summer to Disney world for the kids and I think I might be more excited than they will be :D

Danielle said...

I loved Seaworld as a kid! For years and years I told my mom that I was going to be a dolphin trainer when I grew up...still waiting on that to come true. haha.

So glad you had a great time. Looks like so much fun!

Nicole said...

Dolphins are pretty darn amazing. I love seeing wild ones out on the bay while boating - so amazing. They usual come in the evenings during the summer and you can see 2 or 3 together. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Seaworld has always been great!

Kristen Danielle said...

Ok... you're making me want to take a trip to San Antonio to go to Sea World.

Looks like fun!! Especially when you have the whole park to yourself!

Unknown said...

how fun! i visited that Sea World with my family after my lil' brother's graduation from Marine Corps bootcamp about 2 years ago. did y'all get to go to the zoo while you were there, too? probably the best one i've been to in a long, long time :) can't wait to see more photos from your trip!

Anonymous said...

Um, seamore and Clyde were just amazing when Liam and I went a couple of years ago. It was the best show that we saw, I wanted to hug them both!

Allyson McGuire said...

So jealous! I have always wanted to visit Sea World.


Amanda said...

I'm jealous!!! I've always wanted to go to Sea World!

Tiffany said...

I want to go to Sea World sooo bad!

Unknown said...

looks like a fun time :) i drive back from cali tomorrow and i am SO not looking forward to it :)

Michelle @ The Goodnight Girl said...

I've never been to the California Seaworld. It looks awesome! I'm so happy that you had fun! :)

Unknown said...

haha, that would be me, crying at the dolphins :)

Chloe Innvaer said...

Seamore and Clyde are my favorite! I am so glad you had a great trip out here! You brought us sunshine, but then you took it with you! Today was overcast, cold, and drizzly!

Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Leigh-Ellen said...

Looking forward to an Orlando Seaworld visit in June!!

Erin said...

I LOVED Seaworld as a kid, it was one of my fave vacations! There used to be one in Cleveland (a few hours from me) and I was sooo sad to see it leave! I need to get to Orlando now! :)

Unknown said...

I love SeaWorld! Glad you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Eternal optimist sent me :)

Stephine said...

I want to go to Sea World SO bad. I guess I went when I was little but I don't remember any of it.
