Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday 13: Favorite Ways To Spend Time

Lately, it seems like I'm
go. Go. GO.
When I seem to finally get time to myself,
shoot—you had better bet I like to enjoy what I'm doing.

For today's Thursday 13, I'm telling you some of my 
favorite things to do with my down time.

Let's do it, shall we?

1. Reading. I loooove a good book. I'm currently smack dab in the middle of The Clan of the Cave Bear series (yes, I know— old school), but I have a growing reading list and can't wait to finish this series! 

2. Trying new hair styles! I post new ones all the time at Bye Bye Beehive.

3. Painting my nails! Those were last year's Birthday nails.

4. Enjoying the outdoors! (Yes, sexy, I know.)

5. Sipping a blended margarita. Don't worry, my brother's below was only water. Come on, what kind of sister do you think I am?

6. Playing with animals! Horses and puppies are my favorites.

7. Sipping on a hot cup of tea at a cozy coffee house... preferably also playing Scrabble!

8. Collecting bouncy balls! I have over 800!

9. Planting, gardening, and watching seedlings grow.

10. Running with my mom. This was our 3rd half marathon together, Zeitgeist, in Boise, Idaho on November 7, 2009.

11. Eating delicious foods! This is a pesto pizza from a little place called Village Pizzeria on Whidbey Island, Washington. It's superb!

12. Tumbling! I was a cheerleader for my whole life (I am the type of girl who always will be) and I love still hitting the gym and doing fulls and standing tucks. If you don't speak tumble-talk... that just means I love doing crazy flips!
Boise State Cheerleading

13. Watching America's Next Top Model, and then dressing my 18-year-old brother up like Miss Jay. It was his choice, I promise!!

What are YOUR favorite ways to spend your free time?

Next Week's Topic? 13 things you would want on a deserted island. Email me for more info. Join the Party!

Aunie Sauce



Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

800 bouncy balls?! WHOA! Where do you keep *that* bin? I was wondering how many you had based on your No Naked Nails pictures.

And I think it's so cool you can tumble! I dance, but I don't tumble. Never got past a round-off. :-)

Michelle said...

Hahha love all of these!

Michelle @ The Goodnight Girl said...

Your nails are ADORABLE in that picture. I've got to stop chewing mine so they're paintable.

Tranae said...

Lol @ your brother as Ms. Jay. Pretty nail art.


Anonymous said...

Love the hair styles!!!!!

Tam said...

Such a cute post - your brother is going to hate those pictures one day :)

Lauren Talon said...

lol this is so cute. And I have to say I LOVE Scrabble and if I can play it in a coffee house or bar (have you seen those new board game bars?? Beers and games? Yes please!)it's even better :)
I'm on my way to link up now!!
Lauren @ Lemon Trees and Bumble Bees

Lindsay said...

I didn't do the Thursday 13 today, I had something else going on over in blogworld(which you should come check out by the way!) But I love you list and many things on it I also enjoy. The bouncy balls? That is TOO cool, ha! Takes me back to being a little kid and having tons of those things. Also, that pizza looks amazing!

Eesh said...

LOL @ dressing your little brother up like Miss J. That was hilarious! He has those poses down pack!

Yanno, I wouldn't have pegged you for the cheerleader type but I definitely thought that you were a runner. Also, pretty nail art, super cute! xx

Zoë said...

Mmm, I would love to settle in with a good book right now! Shouldn't we be having a snow day? ;)

Jess said...

I come to this conclusion just about every day -
we would have so much kicking it in real life.

You're just too fun!


Amber Nicole said...

Haha. these are such good things to do!
Your little brother makes me giggle and makes me miss my punk of a little brother.

jenn @ girldefyinggravity said...

I was just thinking the same thing! Lol

Tara said...

While we do not love all of the same things (I am not a fan of gardening or of hiking in the outdoors) I LOVE reading and also have spent time in pools reading.

And I too love ANTM, though I am now sad that I have nobody to dress up at Miss Jay, because I can assure you, my husband would not stand for it. Though he would make a strangely hilarious Miss Jay

Emily @ Emmy June said...

The pictures of your little bro are too much. Too much awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

I thought of something to say to all 13 of these things but I'll limit myself to 2:
--I should totally give you all my bouncy balls. I collected them when I was a kid but have since stopped using them. They just sit in a drawer never getting any bounce : (
--Did you go to Boise State? (That's what your uniform looks like it says). I went to San Jose State. We are old school rivals!!

Jennifer M. said...

Ha! This is pretty awesome. :)

Never heard of that book, but the title has me intrigued. What's it about?

Your brother cracks me up - you two sure look a lot alike! Pretty funny dressing him up like Miss Jay too. I just love watching ANTM!! ;D

kskatzman said...

ok i gatta you bounce the balls? do you just like the way they feel? look? What is your favorite thing about bouncy balls? i always loved bouncing them when I was younger but I never collected them always just had a few laying around.

erica marie said...

Fun post, I've always wanted to be able to tumble.

xo erica

Lisa @ MMT said...

What the heck do you do with 800 bouncy balls!? haha!

That's awesome you ran 3 half marathons with your mom. I want to run a full marathon sometime, before I'm 30... so I have 6 years to train ;)
