Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Because Friday: My Beautiful Mom

I love my mom.
We are best friends.
She is my role model, my inspiration
and pretty darn cute, huh?
If that's what I have to look forward to,
holy smokes...
my future is lookin' good.
Pun intended.

Love you, Mom!

Aunie Sauce



Alesha said...

What awesome pictures of you and your mom! It is such a blessing to have a mom that you are close to! I am so thankful for that relationship with my mom. =)
Alesha <3

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

So adorable! My mom and I are very close as well, best friends, its the best feeling ever being close with your mother! Have a lovely weekend!

Marci @ a smile a day said...

Your mom is very pretty :) You definitely inherited good genes girl!!

Tara said...

You do have good genes for sure! I've always been thankful that my mothers has always looked years younger than she is and has great legs that both my sister and I inherited, thanks mom!

Side note, is that boat picture, by any chance, taken in BC?

Anonymous said...

Your mom is beautiful! You're very blessed! :)

Michelle said...

Awww cute! She is so beautiful!

Jenn said...

Your mom is adorable, and what a sweet tribute! :-)

Amanda said...

Awe your mom is gorgeous! And so fit lol! Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

moms definitely make the BEST best friends :)

Pamela said...

Awww, I love this!! You two look just alike! Beautiful ladies!

Lindsay @ Trial By Sapphire said...

YUP! You've got great genes! Aging will be a cinch for you, doll face!

Sheri said...

That is so sweet! Lovely pics of you and your Mom. I hope I have that kind of close relationship with my girls when they are all grown up!

The Millers said...

You and your mom are both gorgeous! Must be good genes. I'm so glad I found your cute blog! Xo

Anonymous said...

You are both so pretty!

Anonymous said...

You are both so pretty!

Miranda Leigh said...

Two very beautiful ladies! I especially love that white dress in your first photo. Have a great weekend! (PS: I linked up with you again for JBC Fridays!!)

Jamie said...

Happy Friday!!

You and your mom are so cute :)

Have a great weekend girl!

<3 Jamie

Eesh said...

Aunie, why have you been hiding this gorgeous lady from us? Your mom is smokin'! You'll age gracefully!


Unknown said...

You and your mom look so cute together!


Katelyn said...

Your mom and you are both just beautiful. Love this post.

- Katelyn

Liz Beechwood said...

Wow, you´re both so beautiful and look so alike :) and I especially love the last picture, both of ur dresses are incredible!
Btw, there´s an award for u on my blog, dear....I decided that ur blog is one of the blogs I like and read most!
Hope it makes u smile!

Lizzy from Fashion-BlaBla

Chloe Innvaer said...

You are both so beautiful! You look a lot like her! I loved all of the pictures! Moms can be the best people huh? =)

Anonymous said...

Another picture with the band in the background! I love it : ]

And now we can see where your beauty comes from--you guys are beautiful! Very nice post : ]

Ashlee said...

Aw you & your mom look just alike! These pictures are so cute!


Anonymous said...

You two area so adorable ! ^^ And look a little alike :) I love seeing photos of daughters and mums - every girl isn't as fortunate as us to have great, caring mothers like us. ^^

- Indie by Heart

Ps. Birthday Giveaway

Katie said...

you guys are beautiful! LOVE your dress and hair in the last picture!
